PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This Systemic and Contact form of fungicide is a relatively new active which works on a wide range of yard and turf fungus. Can also be used on trees for a range of canker by direct injection or soil drenching. Good for canker, brown patch, dollar spots, black molds and more. The systemic action keeps it active 2-4 weeks.
RATE OF APPLICATION: Mix at the rate of.5 to 2 oz per gallon of water per 1,000 sq/ft of turf. This is a variable rate; use the .5 oz per 1000 sq/ft when preventive treating. If you have a problem, try 1 oz per 1000 sq/ft and if the problem is stubborn and persistent, you can go to 1.5 or even 2.0 oz per gallon if needed.
For systemically treating trees, use 1 oz for every 10″ of tree width. This can be added to the same bucket and mixture where PROTHOR and JOY JUICE have been mixed together. For this reason, using all three at the same time requires no more effort and for some trees, the best way to proceed.
$150.00 (14.3% active)(953348) 128 oz.
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We also offer a “weaker” form of this concentrate – Liquid Systemic Fungicide II – which means you’ll need to use 4 oz per gallon.
This size contains a 1.55% active and it will only last 2-3 weeks at this rate when used at its “normal” rate for grass and small plants.
For trees where you want something to last 3+ months, you’ll need to use 4 oz to every 10″ of tree width mixed with either/both Prothor/Joy Juice.
$20.00 (1.55% active)(911377) 16 oz.
Order online and save 5%
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Philip says
Hi, I think I have Fusarium Blight or Summer Patch in my back yard. How can I treat this fungus? Can I use honor guard? Philip
admin says
Honor Guard would be a good choice to control either. Use 2 oz per gallon per 1000 sq/ft to start; 4 oz per gallon per 1000 sq/ft if the fungus is persistent. Treat every 2 weeks to start. In general, we find the 2 oz per 1000 sq/ft rate does the job after 1-2 applications.
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U-Spray Bugspray