What would you suggest to discourage birds (mostly sparrows) from sitting & nesting on the rafters of a pavilion? The droppings are a problem on the picnic tables underneath. The pavilion belongs to a church so the solution needs to be humane and inexpensive.
We’ve got several options listed in our BIRD CONTROL article. The most popular is to install a set of BIRD SPIKES over the rafters. These look fierce-some but won’t hurt the birds. Once installed, they’ll avoid the area altogether.
Another common treatment is to apply 4-THE-BIRDS GEL to the topside of each board they’re using. Treatments will usually last 6-12 months no problem and won’t be noticeable to anyone below.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
4-The-Birds-Gel: https://bugspray.com/repellents/gel/4-the-birds-gel
Bird Spikes: https://bugspray.com/repellents/visual/spikes-poly-5-t-2-ft-l
Bird Control: https://bugspray.com/articles98/birds.html