SPRAYER DESCRIPTION: Designed to fit on the cans seen below, the Handy Can lets you use 4 fingers to spray instead of the tip of your index finger. This allows you to avoid finger fatigue AND make more precise applications. Now you can spray all day long with no finger cramps and no mess!
HOW DOES IT WORK: The Handy Can “slides” over can “collars”, holding them in place, so you can use the red ergonomic “trigger” (seen in the picture to the right) to depress the can’s nozzle. This gives you tremendous leverage and control. Now you can apply just the right amount of spray needed without making a mess.
The Handy Can will work on any of the cans listed below. To see it work, view this short video:

FREE HANDY CAN OFFER: The Handy Can sells for $12.00 with free shipping BUT if you purchase any combination of 6 cans (seen below), we’ll include a FREE HANDY CAN with your order! You can order the Handy Can for $12.00 with free shipping OR order 6 or more aerosols (scroll down to see qualifying cans) and we’ll send a FREE HANDY CAN with your order of aerosols!
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