PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:A general surface, crack and crevice and/or spot treatment for residual and contact control of ants, carpenter ants, cockroaches, crickets, spiders and other insect pests.
For use as a general surface, crack and crevice and/or spot treatment for residual and contact pest control in, on, and around buildings and structures and their immediate surroundings and on modes of transport. Permitted areas of use in nonfood/nonfeed areas include, but are not limited to, aircraft (cargo and non-cabin areas only), apartment buildings, boiler rooms, buses, closets, correctional facili- ties, decks, entries, factories, fencing, floor drains (that lead to sewers), food granaries, food grain mills, food manufacturing, processing and serving establishments; furniture, garages, garbage rooms, greenhouses (non-commercial), hospitals (non-patient areas), hotels and motels, houses, industrial buildings, laboratories, livestock/poultry housing, landscape vegetation, locker rooms, machine rooms, mausoleums, mobile homes, mop closets, mulch, nursing homes, offices, patios, pet kennels, porches, railcars, restaurants, storage rooms, schools, sewers (dry), stores, trailers, trees, trucks, utility passages, vessels, vestibules, warehouses, wineries and yards.
TARGET PESTS: Ants, Aphids, Assassin Bugs, Boxelder Bugs, Centipedes, Chiggers, Chinch Bug, Cockroaches, Crickets, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetles, Firebrats, Fleas, Flies, Millipedes, Mites, Mosquitoes, Pillbugs, Silverfish, Sowbugs, Termites and others.
MIXTURE RATES: Packs come with 4 pre measured baggies: 1-2 baggies per gallon of water. Jars are in loose bulk: 1-2 scoops per gallon water and each jar has 48 scoops.
$20.00 (1 pk) (459154) (1 pk has 4 baggies)(FREE STANDARD SHIPPING)
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$50.00 (4 pks) (459155) (4 pks has total of 16 baggies)
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Sharnese Rylander says
Great product haven’t seen anything crawling since I sprayed this product! Use inside and out.