I am in Pennsylvania and my back yard was taken over by Cicada Killers over the past 2 or 3 years. My plan is to use Viper Insecticide Concentrate over the entire area. When would you suggest is the best time to apply Viper? In the Fall and let it percolate into the ground or in the Spring?
If you have a problem, treating from spring through summer and into the fall would be the best way to go. Let me explain…
So if you review our Cicada Killer article, you’ll learn this wasp gets active in early summer as they emerge from the ground. They’ll collect seasonal pests like cicada’s and lay eggs on what they hide deep in the ground.
Now even though cicada killers mostly feed on cicadas, they will feed on other insects so when active, they’re constantly collecting dead insects and storing them in the ground. Next they’ll be laying eggs on these same insects and this in turn is what will continue their life cycle in this area of your yard.
Now in a few weeks of the eggs being laid, they’ll start to hatch. This will happen all summer and into the fall. Once hatched, the larvae will feed and then after getting their fill, they’ll spin a cocoon where they’ll morph into the adult cicada killers you see flying in and out of the nests they make in your yard.
The point is the larvae will remain active anytime the ground is warm and this is usually from spring through summer and fall. This also means spraying at this time is smart.
Now as winter hits and the ground gets cold, they’ll go dormant but come next spring, any eggs left over from the previous year will start to hatch and pick up where they were last active the previous year.
So what does all this mean?
Well, for starters, you can only “kill” the adults and the larvae. The eggs and pupae are too protected in their natural casings so you can only effectively control larvae and adults.
And with that being said, it becomes clear the best time to treat the ground is from the spring to late fall. In fact larvae will be hatching and feeding long after the adults are dead so even if you don’t see any adults as late as September or October, it would be wise to treat. This way you’ll be sure to get any active larvae that might be in the ground which in turn will help keep hatching adults in the area minimized come the following year.
Next, treating in the spring (way before the cicadas arrive) would also be smart. This way any early hatching eggs in the spring will be controlled and again, the problem will be that much more manageable compared to leaving all those eggs and larvae to do as they wish.
And these treatments should be done monthly targeting the ground where the activity has been noted.
Hope this helps!
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
For the spring and summer monthly applications, use Prothor in affected areas:
Prothor: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/liquid/prothor-sc
If you are finding holes, dust them with Demise Dust:
Demise Dust: https://bugspray.com/catalog/insecticide/dust/drione-demise-dust-6-oz
Details on how to use both are in our article here:
Cicada Killers: https://www.bugspray.com/articles99/cicadakillers.html
Give us a call if you need more help. Our toll free is 1-800-877-7290 and we’re open 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Mon-Thur; 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Friday and 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
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