I'm about to spend 3 months traveling by bus and we'll be staying in some motels I know could have bed bugs. I'd like to take some kind of bug spray for bed bugs that won't be too hazardous. I was looking at your small travel size but I'll need more than that and was wondering if it came in a bigger size?
The best bed bug spray for travel is BED BUG RID. It's made with natural ingredients that are federally exempt from having to be registered because the actives are so safe to use. Bed Bug Rid is labeled for use on beds so you'll be able to treat any mattress you suspect might be infested. Bed Bug Rid is also good for treating suit cases and travel bags. And it comes in a small travel size as well as quarts with built in sprayer. The quart spray bottle should be the perfect size for your travels because it's not too big and it comes with it's own sprayer.
I also suggest you bring some BED BUG MONITORS. These traps are amazing at capturing bed bugs because they combine CO2, heat and pheromone scent to attract bed bugs. It's the most complete bed bug trap on the market and a “must have” for anyone staying in a suspect motel room. Just set the trap up when you arrive and if there are bed bugs present, this trap will let you know.
Here are direct links to the information and products listed above:
Bed Bug Rid: https://bugspray.com/exempt/liquid/bed-bug-rid-exempt-liquid-insect-killer
Bed Bug Monitor: https://bugspray.com/traps/pheromone-and-food/bed-bug-first-response-trap-monitor
Bedbug Article: https://bugspray.com/article/bedbugs