PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Pecan Surprise is a special nut based paste which squirrels, rats, mice, chipmunks, flying squirrels and other small animals love. It combines nuts and other sweet, nutritious attractants into a “sticky” paste which cannot be ignored by nuisance animals.
WHERE TO USE IT: In and around businesses, homes and commercial establishments where you need to bait or use traps. Pecan Surprise is a great way to get targeted animals to accept rodenticide or enter a cage thus insuring a quick catch.
The following short video (less than 60 seconds long) summarizes why this is such a good lure.

RATE OF APPLICATION: Small dabs of 1/2 to 1 teaspoonful is all that’s needed for live or kill set traps. Use “rice sized” dabs at trap entrances to insure they the way inside. It’s strong nutty scent will permeate all around the placement and is sure to get the attention of any animal foraging close to your set.
$15.00 (825325) 2 oz (3+ $12.00 ea)(Free Standard Shipping)
Order online and save 5%
$30.00 (825328) 8 oz (3-5 $27.00 ea)(6+ $25.00 ea)(Free Standard Shipping)
Order online and save 5%
$45.00 (825324) 8 oz Pecan Paste (+ 2 FREE bags of LIQUATOX)(Free Standard Shipping)
Order online and save 5%
Wojtek Sudol says
I had a squirrel issue and nothing seemed to work in the trap (nuts, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, etc…). But the Pecan delight did the job – it really works!
Jimmie Littrell says
Ordering was easy and shipping fast. Haven’t caught any pest with it yet. Company is fine.
Tom Favorito says
Molly says
Best thing ever. We have caught 9 chipmunks in 3 days. We have set them free to live out a beautiful new life that does not include our zen garden. It works like magic along with a few sunflower seeds!!! We also use their live trap!
Susan Benwell says
Chipmunk Elimination! Mixing this paste with the poison packets was very successful in eliminating chipmunks that were doing damage under my front porch stoop.
Matt Farmer says
Excellent bait! After 15 min of putting trap and pecan paste down had my first house mouse. Three more killed over the the next day – I’m now mouse free! This paste seems to attract them immediately!!
Mitch Cary says
Very fragrant. I can see why the squirrels and chipmunks can’t resist.
Irene says
Great stuff! Have used this pecan paste for a few years to lure our pesky and abundant chipmunks (ground squirrels) into traps. It’s a great product. We use maybe 1/2 teaspoon in each trap so the container lasts quite a long time. Tried other products before we found Trappers Choice and this is definitely the best!
Kenneth Shepherd says
I spread the paste on the back of the havahart trap and have caught several squirrels. I will be buying more paste when I run out!
AZ Desert Dweller says
Like candy! We live in the AZ desert and sometimes have an abundance of Harris Antelope Ground Squirrels. If we get too many, they start burrowing under our patios, house foundation, etc. We use 2 Havahart traps but didn’t have much success with peanut butter/nuts. Thought we’d try some Pecan Paste and put it on a slice of apple as directed. We caught a squirrel in less than 30 minutes! Next day we caught 5 MORE! We couldn’t get anything done because we had to keep stopping to drive/release the squirrels we caught. Kept using the same bait over and over too, because once caught, they lose interest in eating and just try to escape. Then next day, a tiny squirrel snuck inside the trap and ate almost all of the pecan paste off the apple and somehow got away! We reset it anyway and caught another one. At that point, with 7 gone, the population was back to being manageable. If the numbers ever get out of control again, we certainly know what to do! Pecan paste is like candy to our ground squirrels!!
Becky S. says
Bait works well and was received quickly.
Charles Angotti says
Pecan paste works the first time and all the time!
David says
Chipmunk Nirvana! Second batch ordered. Our first batch lasted over two years baiting Havahart traps for chipmunks. This bait is irresistible and very little is needed for each set, which makes the cost quite reasonable. Often a trap will trip in 20 minutes or less.
William S. says
I haven’t used the stuff before and needed to refill. It works great for catching Chip monks. I caught my first one for this year and probably more than a dozen over the past years. I highly recommend the Pecan paste.
Thomas Jaskolski says
Have trouble with ground squirrels and chipmunks. Have used Loganberry paste until this year when I bought pecan paste. Much better response to the Pecan Paste. Good product.
Mary Mirasola says
It worked! Thanks, Mary
Adam says
Great stuff! This stuff works!! Only takes a very small amount of it. Would recommend this for anyone trying to catch chipmunks. 100% satisfied, worth every penny.
William W. says
Great tasting! At least it must taste great to the Voles because they eat it up. Even after getting loose from the trap, he returned to the broken trap and ate the paste–even evidently licking it ALL up. lol
Linda C. says
Chipmunks Love It! I’ve used Trapper’s Pecan Paste for several years to clear chipmunks from under my house. I use it to along with a few sunflower seeds to lure the critters into the trap. Works great! I take the chipmunks five miles away to release them in an area with no houses. Tip: I use a paint stir stick to apply the paste to the pan in the middle of the trap. That way I don’t have to put my hand in the trap. When the stirrer gets gummy, I throw it away.
Tech Support says
@Linda C.: Great idea for stirring the Paste! I do the same; it will “separate” when sitting for awhile but its still very much the same, good to go “super” lure once you remix it. And always remember to do this prior to use. This way you have the proper paste in your traps.
Technical Support
Marvin says
Chipmunks Love It! I’ve had chipmunks infest my garden about every two or three years. I have found that the best way to attract the chipmunks to my traps is to use Trapper’s Choice Pecan Paste. It’s a no-fail way to ensure capture of these nasty, but cute, pests!
Thomas Forster says
Works well.
Mark Blake says
This Stuff Works! Used it along with MIXED BIRD SEED 1 LB BAG and I caught 3 Chipmunks in 3 days. Recommended.
Karen M. says
I live in a wooded area, and anything I plant gets eaten from underground by chipmunks. I have tried peanuts & peanut butter, fruit, etc. The only thing that effectively traps them is your pecan paste. The product is reliable and smells good too.
Aimee Baker says
Chipmunk bait, works well!
Megan says
It works! I followed the instructions from the video and left my 2 traps out to socialize with the environment for about two weeks before I started setting them. I’ve been using the Loganberry and hazelnuts and dropping the nuts at the back of the trap to encourage the rats to step on the trigger. I only started to set them this weekend and have already caught 5 rats in the two traps I purchased. Almost immediately after setting the trap at dusk I would hear the release. I’m amazed at how well this works!
Bill Peyton says
This stuff works great! I trapped 7 of the little chipmunk varmints in my live trap.
Steve Sa says
Every time I bait the trap with Trappers Choice Pecan Paste I catch one of those little buggers! Nice!
Dennis Rieger says
We have been baiting our traps with Trapper Choice Pecan Paste for several years. It’s the best thing we have found for catching our pesky squirrels.
Michael Halcoussis says
Tasty! From my trapping success I think rodents really like this stuff!!
Steve says
I bought the Trappers Choice Pecan Paste as a neighbor told me about it and it is great. Put it in my mouse/rat/rodent trap and low and behold it drew them to it and was great as bait on a piece of bread, cracker, or piece of an apple. Highly recommended and a little goes a long way. Great product.
Samuel Rowe says
It Works !! Squirrels Love It ! Should have purchased 2 containers !!
Alex says
I had a rat issue in my house and in my barn. I used this product to bate a live trap. I’m going to say it’s pretty effective. I used peanut butter, cinnamon, honey ,straight butter, bread and dog food with little success. I used this product and caught 7 rats!
Jeff says
I’ve used this stuff for several years now and a jar will last a long time…. Unless your employee starts putting it on their morning biscuits it will last ages that is! LOL
Brian Magnuson says
Trappers paste works fantastic, best ever, wow! 2nd time I bought it, gave some to other family members. A little goes a long way! You won’t regret buying some.
LinC says
Wonderful Bait! I use Trappers Pecan bait to catch chipmunks in a live trap. I spread a dab of pecan paste on the flat pan inside the trap, set the trigger and throw in a pinch of bird seed. So far in 2022, we’ve caught 48 chipmunks with one 8oz container of pecan bait! We take them 10 miles from the house and release them in a wooded area. Bye-bye cute but destructive rodents. Once I caught a large rat. I have to close the trap at night to keep the baby possums out. They all love the pecan bait!
James Knight says
Great bait for rats/mice!
We prefer this bait over all others we have used. Unfortunately, it’s just a little too “soupy” to come in a tube applicator, so we have to apply it with a knife. In spite of that, it’s still our first bait of choice.
It works great in attics and inside.
We do not recommend using it “outside” as it seems to draw ants pretty quickly. The company ships it quickly and we have been using it for years without issue. Great product!
George C. says
Bought trap, pecan paste and seeds. Put out bait for three days as suggested then baited the trap. Caught a small opossum first try.
Carol says
Good stuff. I’ve been using this paste for years. It works very well!
Michael says
Great stuff! This pecan paste works very good for destructive chipmunks. Also attracts mice very well.
Elizabeth says
Chipmonks love it!! We have used pecan paste for years and it is like a magnet to little critters like chipmonks. We put a dab of paste in a small cap top and sprinkle with bird seed. Works like a charm ! we then relocate the critters to a safe new home!
Elizabeth says
We have used pecan paste for years and it is like a magnet to little critters like chipmonks. We put a dab of paste in a small cap top and sprinkle with bird seed. Works like a charm ! we then relocate the critters to a safe new home!
What type of trap did you use?
Tech Support says
Green Live Trap:
Carol P. says
Perfect bait! I use these in a few of my traps always with good results.
Thomas M. says
2 thumbs up! Order was correct & shipped in a timely manner. Quick response to e-mail correspondence. The website has a huge amount of pest control information! Have been doing business w/ U-Spray since 1994. I highly recommend their products & services!
Ronald E. says
Wow you weren’t kidding! The chipmonks love this stuff!!! Got rid of the resident family living in our plant beds in just 2 days!!
Linda C. says
The Trappers Choice Pecan Paste is my go-to bait for removing chipmunks from my yard. Yes, they’re cute, but they are living under my air conditioner, and they chew on wiring. I use just a dab of pecan paste on the bait tray in my live trap and throw in a pinch of birdseed. So far this year I’m caught and transported 54 chipmunks! Once I even caught two chipmunks in the same trap. I’ve also caught a couple of squirrels and a juvenile possum, but I let them go. I caught the same possum twice, but possums aren’t that smart. My husband says the paste smells so good he wants to eat it on crackers. Don’t!