Customer inquiry: “I started noticing duff millipedes around a few windows. went outside and sure enough, there are hundreds on the house! what is going on and what I can spray to get rid of them? please help!” WHAT ARE DUFF MILLIPEDES? Duff Millipedes are algae, fungi feeding insects that look a lot like carpet […]
millipede control outdoors
Can you please tell me what time of the year should I apply my millipede control outdoors? I live in the state of PA. Thank you. There is no specific time of year. In fact millipedes are active anytime the soil temps are above 45 degrees and the air temps are above 50 degrees. Now […]
huge centipedes in basement
Do any of your products kill and control centipedes that we are finding in our clean/dry basement? They are just huge. Please help!!! If you read our CENTIPEDE CONTROL article, you’ll learn you need to treat both outside and inside the home to control this pest. Typically centipedes and millipedes come in from outside the […]