PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This super powerful Liquid Fertilizer contains an 8-16-8 formulation which is quick acting and highly stimulating to plants, grass and trees.
When watered into turf, grass will respond with quick growth since they can readily accept the offering. Unlike granular formulations which release inconsistently, this formulation will be percolate down to the roots of your turf/plants faster and more importantly, get absorbed by them faster than any formulation. And yet it will still time release for a good 2 week feed period or more (depending on temperatures).
In general, treatments will last 2-4 weeks so plan on using it once a month combined with a good LIQUID FUNGICIDE and INSECTICIDE for the turf.
WHERE TO USE IT: Outside on grass and turf as a foliar or surface treatment.
RATE OF APPLICATION: This will vary species to species but most high demand grass like Bermuda, Zoysia, St. Augustine or Fescue will require 1 oz per 1,000 per month from spring through fall.
Assuming your grass is in good health (PH is 6.5 or higher and you’re not overrun with fungus or weeds), plan on treating once a month using 5 oz for 5,000 sq/ft making the application with our HOSE END SPRAYER.
The following “short video” (less than 60 seconds long) shows how to use it to keep your grass super green!

Use 1.5 to 2 oz per 1,000 can be done for the first month IF THE TURF IS EXTREMELY STRESSED or coming from super low PH (review our SOIL PH article to learn what’s needed to get your PH proper).
$12.00 (953260) 8 oz
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$20.00 (953261) 16 oz
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$30.00 (953264) 32 oz
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$100.00 (953269) 128 oz
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