Snake are on the move!
water snake in garden pond
I have a small garden pond with gold fish and grandchildren and no interest in the snake that has taken up residence. What to do??? If you review our snake control article, you’ll learn the best way to deal with this is to get one of our live snake traps and set it along the […]
snake caught in live trap!
Thought this might be of interest. I caught this one in the last 24 hours in Columbus GA. I suspect it is a Southern Black Racer and not a Coachwhip. Yes there is another critter that crawled into the trap in the photo. I am using the SNAKE LURE purchased last year. It has taken […]
I have been referred to use sulphur 90% to control the insect called the flower pot snake or the blind snake. Please advise whether this product you sell will be the one I should use. BEST TREATMENT FOR FLOWER POT SNAKES First, the flower pot snake is actually a reptile and not an insect. Commonly […]