I have a house that I visit once a week but keep a car outside. It is a \”country\” home with lots of mice outside. How can I keep them from entering the car which I just started noticing they were entering? There is a range of rodents that will target cars or trucks for […]
mice problems
I have a bad problem with mice and I know that since I have have both pets and a 2 year old son, I would guess live traps would be best. They have always been a bad problem in the attic. The snap traps do not work there and the mice seem to have no […]
mice control for cabin in woods
I am so glad I found your website. I would like help on the best products for mice control. I’ve read your very helpful article. I have a cabin on a lake and in a wooded area. My wife left some dog food in a plastic bag about a month ago and I found piles […]
catching live mice
I have several of your chipmunk traps. I need to catch just a few live mice to do some dog training . . . teach the dog not to dig for mice. Will a chipmunk trap work or is the wire mesh size too big? Thanks, Deb Our live traps for chipmunks made with wire […]
mice in car
How can I rid my Van of mice? They are inside the vehicle, under the dash and motor compartment. I have had to have wiring replaced, the dash removed and cleaned out…HELP! Get 1-2 of our small live traps that measure 3x3x10. These traps work well for mice, chipmunks and rats. This way no matter […]